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HappyHour'n'Squares Tour

Put on your agenda Spritzes and relaxing. Have a glance at the evening Padova. Vibrant.

50 euro

Descrizione del servizio

Never been to Padova before? Don't worry, we're here for you. The perfect means for sightseeing are bikes, on which you'll have a cozy tour. Leaving at the Arena Gardens, we're stopping to admire the frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel, painted by Giotto in the 14th century. We're then going on towards the very heart of the city. First of all, Caffè Pedrocchi, which used to be open night and day. Afterwards, Piazza delle Erbe, whose name is this because it is one of the biggest markets in Italy. We're then visiting Piazza dei Frutti, another important marketplace. However it is most known for being dominated by Palazzo della Ragione, a palace with a reverse bilge roof and the biggest hall room in the world. Right afterwards, we're reaching Piazza dei Signori, famous for its Clock Tower, which has zodiac signs on it too. Especially on Saturday night, youngsters from centre and suburbs meet up here to drink Spritz, invented in Padua. To feel very Paduan, we're stopping in one of the many cafes, while the guide will tell you some curiosities about Padua. You will be able to ask questions, or just chatter like people out for a happy hour together. Next stop is the Duomo, and from there Via Roma is near, with a bit of shopping, get to Saint Anthony Basilica, or just "The Saint", where it's tradition to kiss the Saint's tomb for good luck. From Saint Anthony we'll go to Santa Giustina, the 4th largest Church in the world. The tour ends with a pizza at one of the suggested restaurants.

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